Legend of Lidhuin

As the Three Prime Evils had created their bases and armies, they sent their forces to the surface to wage war. They conquered lands in the name of Tamae. The humans, elves, and dwarves, learned about Tamae and his Prime Evils and quickly made an alliance to keep the evil in the Underground. The dwarves were the first to learn about the Prime Evils plans. They learned about them as Tamae was constructing the Underground. The dwarves became the First Prime Good, worshipping the angel Moradin. They rallied the humans to their cause by warning the old King of the threat. Through this new alliance, the dwarves told King and his people about the master god Retam. The humans thus became the second Prime Good, which started to worship Retam. Together, they rallied the remaining elves as the third Prime Good, these worshipped the angel Corellon.

The Three Prime Good met to discuss the threat of the Prime Evils. This meeting ended in dispute, since the dwarves blamed the elves for the creation of the orcs and the drows. The dwarves left the new-made alliance and retreated back into their mountains, hoping that they could fend off the Prime Evil by themselves. The humans and the elves decided to contact the half-elves and ask them for help along with all the sylvan creatures. This was when the Legends of Lidhuin began.

During the First War, Aiania was defended by two Guardians called Avail and Vadariel. They had three children called Avaliin, Kyrell, and Taifell. After the First War, two humans were appointed as Guardians of Aiania along with the three elven children. Jones and Elizabeth, the two human Guardians, had two children called Jones and Jim. Some time near the end of the First Peace, Avaliin and Jones married and had to flee to the new lands of the half-elves in order to stay together. Avaliin gave birth to one of the first half-elves, and named him Lidhuin.

Lidhuin’s youth was not left to boredom. He lived with his parents, learning to defend the forest of Aiania. He learned how to use a bow and became a renowned archer at a young age. He attended his first archery contest at the age of fourteen in a huge elven city. He won against his uncle Kyrell and reached the semi-final where he was bested by an elven bow master. He spent years attending archery contests across western Aspenta. He visited human and elven cities. After a few years, during his last tournament, he even bested the elven bow master that he had lost against in his first tournament.

Eventually he decided to help his family defend the forest of Aiania and thus when the Prime Evil emerged, he was there to defend Aiania. When he encountered his first orc, he slew it because of the damage it was causing to the forest. His first impression of the orcs were the right one, they were evil and had to be destroyed. His second encounter with the orcs was with his family. Together they slew all four orcs, but not before Lidhuin broke his bow. He then spent a long time crafting a new bow.

While Lidhuin crafted his bow, his parents learned about the Three Prime Evils and the Second War. They prepared to engage in a new war. Lidhuin finally completed his bow. It was painted blue and the strings were made from eleven of his hairs. Lidhuin fought the Prime Evils with his parents for a while. During a fight against four orcs, an ambush was unleashed and dozens upon dozens of orcs slew Lidhuin’s parents, who gave their life so that their son could escape.

When his parents died, Lidhuin cut his hair and bought a dark green hooded cloak, he became the Lone Ranger of Aiania. On in his journey he came to Aofa, a human village on the border of Aiania. There he met his best friend Jigax, who was a human archer. Jigax saved Lidhuin one night, when he was ambushed by a band of thieves who intended on killing him and taking all his possessions. Jigax was the one to indulge Lidhuin in the knowledge of the Three Prime Goods and the Three Prime Evils, along with the Second War. He also explained about Grummsh, Krag, Praugh, and Orog.

Lidhuin and Jigax spent time in Aofa, discussing military plans and the Second War. One day, a great host of orcs attacked Aofa. Lidhuin and Jigax were part of the defence that successfully defeated the attacking orcs. During the attack, Lidhuin and Jigax learned that it was the first of many attacks. They learned that Orog was coming to prove his worth to the remaining Prime Evil leaders. They told General Tag about the orcish plans and began to prepare for a siege. During the siege, Orog himself came to the walls of Aofa in a great armour. Lidhuin ambushed the orcish warlord and nearly slew him. He retreated with his orcs to avoid defeat. Lidhuin and Jigax hunted Orog through the forest of Aiania and came upon the elven city of Falao. On their journey they met two humans who were also pursuing Orog. Alienee was a priestess of Aspenta and the other one was Gaiau. When they reached Falao they met General Jim, an experienced human archer. Alienee and Gaiau stayed in Falao with Jim while Lidhuin and Jigax tracked Orog east of the city. Here, the orcs had set the forest ablaze. As the two rangers hunted the warlord of the orcs, they were attacked by both drows and orcs. Ignoring the smaller threats, the two rangers caught up with Orog and slew him.

Tamae found Orog’s corpse and raised it to divinity, turning him into an angel of the orcs, as he had done with Grummsh. When the two rangers learned that Orog had been raised from the grave, they took up the hunt yet again and continuously tracked Orog the angel of orcs further east, hoping to find the castle of Krag himself and believing that he was behind Orog’s resurrection. Their hunt was halted when a band of orcs ambushed them and brought their hunt to an end by shooting Lidhuin’s through his knee, destroying his leg. They returned to Aofa, hoping to find assistance and healing, but only found a destroyed city. The Prime Evils were everywhere and destroying the world of the Three Prime Goods. They continued their journey west, hoping to find aid from the humans of Aspenta. On their journey, Lidhuin’s leg was amputated because of infection and it was replaced by a wooden leg to support him on his journey. Before reaching the capital of Aspenta, they passed by the Solstice Archery Jamboree, where Lidhuin was given an elven leg, a magical contraption made out of mithril. After the solstice they continued their journey and finally reached the large city of Aspenta.

Lidhuin’s journey west to Aspenta was the last part of his adventure. The biggest asset of the Three Prime Good had been defeated by the Prime Evils and his adventuring days were over. Western Aspenta slowly fell under the wrath of Tamae and there didn’t seem to be any hope remaining for the Three Prime Good.
